One of my 2009 New Years Resolutions was to start (and a Blog. So here goes... but I'm already behind. Now normally this would cause me to give up, to quit before I even start. I have some issues - I'm sure I will get to them later, but for now this brings me to another resolution....follow through on more tasks that I begin. So my LOFTY goal for my blog is to add something EVERY day....something, even if it is just a picture or a sentence or two about the day. I am using this site on the advice of a very wise, experienced blogger (shout out to my cuz) who tells me I can even update it from my phone...for those of you who know me well - right about now you are going..oh, maybe she CAN do this after all.
I attended yet another funeral / Celebration of Life today, I've HONESTLY lost count for this year, but it was for yet another teenager. I have MUCH to say...but will save it for another's late, or early rather and it's been a long day... come you never TOLD me about this????