Monday, July 13, 2009

Moving Forward...

I took some steps today - back, but forward. Back into the swing of our old lives, so I / we can start moving forward again. I am making myself type this with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, because it's time. I reread one of my favorite quotes today..."Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." --Plato It is SO true of so many of my close friends yet they are the kindest people I know. This Blog was my New Year's Resolution - but then I just couldn't. There were more important things to do. Trips to the hospital, to rehab, therapy, healing - I just couldn't. Now I have come to realize that I have to - because life will never be the same, she will never be the same, I will never be the same...and I need to share some of those things. I'm still not used to not being able to call her all day long - it's hard during the summer. I used to call her before I was even out of bed most of the time. I still find it hard just to get out of the bed sometimes...I'm not being melodramatic - it's just that I think life has changed the most (most dramatically) for her and for me, and it is still a shock to my system at times.

So about today - we took some steps back into the swing of our old lives and the kids and I went to youth group...had a little Madness fun. It was just what we needed - to be surrounded by our friends and great kids. These are a bunch of people who have loved our crazy kids since before the existed - and love them even more when they do REALLY crazy things like pee in their shorts! And I needed to see that there's a part of my life that is marching forward, that IS staying the same. And that's the love and support of our Awesome friends!


  1. Very nicely stated, Shannon. I know this has been so hard for you!

    Good luck with keeping up the blog! I hope you do better than I do.

    Can't wait to see all of you this weekend at the Camporee!

  2. Thanks Mama, You are one of my inspirations! How does it go? One step forward three steps back? at least... see you soon, love you!
