Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Mission Field - broken hearts and Port-o-potties.

I'm a teacher. It's not my job, or what I do...it's who I am. It is what He has called me to do.  I know this beyond the shadow of any doubt. I have more faith in this, than in almost anything. That school, those 800+ kids...THAT is my mission field each and every day. Some days are great, like this past weekend...we took about 150+ 8th graders to the Lost Sea, Wilderness in the Smokies, and Dollywood. We had a BLAST! We went spelunking (that's crawling around in caves, for those of you without dictionaries ;) played at the water park, and rode roller coasters! All without a hitch...ok, so there was 1 little hitch...in MY group of course, but aside from that...it was a breeze.  Truly, I work with amazing people, and the kids at my school, while many of them may face all kinds of challenges...they are some awesome kids!!

Tonight was Senior Night for the Eagles Softball girls...I helped the kids make them a sign...it was cute. It said "We LOVE (heart) Daddy's Seniors" and had all the girls names on it. It was a good game too, the girls were playing great...until the skies opened up :( the best part was getting to spend some time with our friends from church - the Metcalf's. The girls were running around playing, it was precious to watch - but they are all getting so big so fast.

I realized again how much we invest into some kids tonight. My heart is saddened and breaking just a bit as I learned about the passing of the mother of one of my former students.  She was a student who was rather 'time consuming' let's say...and I spent many hours, days in prayer for her.  I still worry about her and now it seems that will only increase. But that is ok, this is my chosen Mission Field, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

On a funny note....our girls just HAD to go potty while we were at the game, unfortunately the only option is the rather RIPE Port-o-pottie. So we gave in and headed over, I went in first with Savy (holding my breath) lol, I emerged and passed the gagging baton to Amanda and she headed in with Marley. She emerged with the comment "I think I've been on a mission trip" of course Marley had a much different take..."hey - they had really NEAT little sinks in there ya know!" HAHA


  1. Lovely post! Grateful for all of you! I love y'all!

  2. P.S. Savy looks so much like you and Dolly! She's adorable!

  3. I can understand your heartbreak and know that you are truly fulfilling His mission for you! FYI ~ The port-o-potties at the KMHS field are super GROSS too.....the things we do to see Daddy coach :) Love ya!!!!

  4. Great story.. and you're right... it is who you are!!! love ya, shannon..
