Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Sh%!'s Getting Real, and All You Need is Love.

I’m gonna be real. My intention is NOT to hurt anyone’s feelings, or to make anyone feel bad. But I AM going to be real. Because for a LOT of people, I think they are just not quite getting it yet. THIS IS REAL. There ARE people dying. There are facets of our lives, of our WORLD that are shut down, and some of these have never been shut down before. This is, to steal a word from this younger generation…EPIC. What is going on right now is real, it is huge, and to many, many people it IS traumatic. There are some families that will be losing homes, there are some families surviving only on these free meals, breakfast and lunch, which the schools are providing. There are some families that have sent their young children away. Moms and dads who are essential front liners, first responders who KNOW they are risking their lives every day for others, and then also choose to send their children away to live with friends or relatives JUST to keep them safe. I could not imagine.

But you know what doesn’t matter, what SHOULDN’T matter in my opinion? My math lesson, Or if my kids are in their beds for my Zoom morning mtg. I mean, does it really matter? NO! I’m just glad when they show up! I love when any of my students complete any of the work that I assign, don’t get me wrong. And EVERYTHING I have assigned is meaningful; I ain’t got time for busywork! But seriously, most of my parents are still working. My kids are either home with siblings, being watched by someone, or who knows?? So if they aren’t doing work, I get it! I am SO glad that my personal kids don’t need my help, because I couldn’t imagine trying to do my job AND help my kids during the day, there’s NO WAY!

As teachers we wear many hats. We are educators, parents, counselors, therapists, etc. you name it. I have spent less time in the last month as an educator than ever before. And that makes sense. Reread the beginning of this again if you need to, but new learning or ANY learning is NOT a priority right now, and it shouldn’t be! Love, compassion, grace, understanding, the mental health and well being of each and every one of our students; THAT should be our priority. If you are spending more time planning lessons, than touching base or checking in with your students…you may need to reevaluate. It would explain why YOU are stressed and also why you have students not completing work. This is a struggle for so many parents, this is uncharted ground, and they need our compassion more than anything else.

Our focus shouldn’t be on what our kids are missing, or how far behind they are getting or will be. The focus needs to be on what they ARE getting…bonus time with family, cooking lessons, learning to bake, time to play and create, family game time…foster THIS! Give them assignments that foster creativity. Tell them to play outside and send you a picture. Have them build and create things!

We have the greatest opportunity before us to make a difference. Before, when students were in our room, they didn’t have a choice, they were ours. As a teacher you had a captive audience. We always ask that question, “Would YOU want to be a student in your classroom?” As the weeks go on… students and parents have a choice now…will your attendance increase or decrease?

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