Saturday, January 30, 2010


I wish I would write stuff down during the day, after 2 kids I don't have much of a brain left :) This blog would be sooo much funnier, or at least it would have MORE stuff in it ;) Over the last 2 days my kids have said several things that Jay and I have felt were 'T-shirt' worthy. You know...when you hear it you say "hey that could be on a T-shirt" so here goes...

Savy and Jay were discussing dinner last night, I think she wanted Breakfast for dinner...Anyway on the subject of meats, which like her daddy she is RATHER opinionated..LOL she wanted SPAM. Because as she said "I'm a SPAM girl!"
Then Justice and I were on our way home yesterday (In the BLIZZARD..LOL)...of course we had to stop at our favorite store HT (AKA...Harris Teeters, the "Bread Store" - think about the logo ;) I had some prescriptions to pick up, but also wanted to take part in the 'ritualistic' frenzy HAHA So as we are in the check out line and Justice is already having a BLAST with the check-out lady...we start discussing getting a RED BOX movie. Now we are HUGE RED BOX the kid is pretty familiar with the process...and I'm trying to explain that at this point (calling for this storm ALL week) there may not be much his understanding sweet and honest heart says..."I REALLY want to get a movie...even if all they have are ROMANTIC COMEDIES!!" I thought the check-out lady (late 40's /early 50's) and bagger-guy (60's) were going to bust a gut!!
This morning Savy and I were snuggling and playing on the bed...she looked SOO cute in just her shirt and pink underwear! I told her I was gonna bite her butt, just take a little nibble of that cute little tush. She said - That's OK - it's a Strawberry Cake BUTT! :) Little Blessings all day long...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Mini me...

I've had some eye opening moments over the last few days. Buts most of all I've had some great laughs like always. Savy has a sweet little friend at school, her 'boyfriend' Marshall (much to daddy's dismay LOL). His mom and I are friends also, since she is our school psychologist. They are a cute little mini 'Ken and Barbie' typical 'teacher's kids' couple... Their teacher adores them, they keep everyone in stitches, you can just imagine. Well, we were driving to school the other morning and of course Savy was talking...NON-STOP. I asked her 'Does everyone in your class talk as much as you?' No, she replied, 'just Marshall!' SHOCKER! LOL

Savy has been playing with one of my old phones lately. It is hilarious...she will get a 'status update' from Tuckin (Katrina, my best friend) and tell us it is SOO funny!! She is always texting, talking..but mostly texting ;) She NEVER puts it down, brings it to the table, in the's very telling and NOT necessarily in a good way...

Yesterday on the way to school, Savy had her phone (of course) and was talking to Justice. They were in the back seat chatting and this is what I overheard. 'Justice, I REALLY love you. I love you too Savy. But Justice, i love you SOOO much, I'm gonna BLOG about it on my phone!' LMAO - That's my girl!!

Justice has had a rough week :( poor boy. He doesn't do 'change' well, and well...this week has been FULL of different schedules. I think he may have snuck a GREEN day or 2 in there, but WOW it hasn't been easy. After school today he was playing with the secretary's son, he's a 7th grader and has a good tolerance for Justice. Apparently Hunter splashed / flicked some soap or water on Justice in the which Justice felt the appropriate response was to run out in the hallway after him...calling him a DUMB A&$!! SOOO when I was talking to him about this, and asked if that was the right thing to do, his oh so honest response was...You are right! I should have just said DA. Gotta love his honesty :)

He lost another tooth at school this week. And AGAIN was THRILLED with his $1.00, this time a PAPER ONE!! I think the Tooth Fairy was caught by surprise and was all out of State Quarters ;) Again, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that he appreciates the dollar that he gets from that sweet ole Tooth Fairy. Sweet, sweet boy.

I think I've mentioned my kids' love and adoration for Paula Dean. I don't know what it is, the cooking, the southern-ness?? (neither of which are like their mama!! LOL) Well, whatever it is...they LOVE her...Savy and I were shopping the other night and I hear her say.."mama, there's my girl!" PRECIOUS...

Monday, January 25, 2010

He pooted on me...

Seriously...I have the funniest kids. I remember when I was in college I wanted to have 3 boys...what in the WORLD was I thinking??? The 2 sillies that I have keep me in stitches all day long. For instance...this is pretty much how our morning started...I had taken a shower and was getting dressed in our room. The kids were now up and had come down the hall, Savy gets right in front of our door and is laughing SO hard. I mean BELLY-LAUGHING! What's up? I ask...loaded question...He just POOTED on me! He just backed right up and POOTED on me, right on my belly!..HAHAHA! Now at this point...there is a part of me that is starting to chuckle...yet there is also a part of me that is a little disturbed that my PRECIOUS PRINCESS is so excited...about getting POOTED upon..LOL

My little man Justice...he just cracks me up by being himself...LOL He and I were watching CHOPPED the other day...first you need to know that the Food Network is BY FAR his favorite channel. As I'm sure it is for most other 7 year olds LMAO...NOT! He gets home from school and turns it on...he prefers Paula Dean and Rachel Ray, but will watch just about anyone... So the other day we are watching CHOPPED...great show, we love it. And he is carrying on the funniest conversations with me. Oh I can't believe they are going to try to make THAT. I really don't like this guy, he's very this or that.... He should think about putting some of ____ in there. I mean it was like sitting around with some 50 year old watching TV - freaking hilarious!

We had a 2 hour delay today because of flooded roads. Basically this meant that I had A LOT of help in my classroom for the first 2 hours of the Justice and Savy. They were actually very good and let me get some things done, I was able to get all of my 'Marks in Books' Benchmarks bubbled. You know what ALWAYS cracks me up?? When I'm bubbling them in...and I have to bubble...ACDC, or DA, or ADD...I LOL every time :)

I will leave you with this thought...Pants on the ground...pants on the ground...

Apparently that's how Savy rolls too ;)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Blog Envy...

Hi, my name is Shannon and I'm a jealous blogger. **uncomfortable pause** ...this is where you all say .. "Hello Shannon..." with sincere acceptance :) Actually, unfortunately I have the *jealous part down MUCH better than the blogger part :/ You see I WANT to be a Blogger SOOOO bad! It was one of my few resolutions last year, and I'm not a big resolution maker. But then life, and mom happened...and well priorities changed. Well, I have a few friends who are just these fabulous bloggers! They are funny, witty, (I can be too I think), relatively consistent (I suck) I mean they are just freakin HILARIOUS!! I really want to be like them when I grow up..well actually now would be great too :) I'm a super-phenomenal 'in my head' blogger. LOL For real...if I had a personal assistant who followed me around who I could dictate my blog to...I'd be set! But then again, if I HAD that delegate this task to and that task to...I'd probably have time to blog in the first place!!

A few of my funny blessings from this weekend...

My little man who always keeps me laughing (when he isn't mad at me ;) saw the date of a meeting a church "oh... January 24th, that's when our milk expires!" WHY?? but I'm glad someone is keeping tabs lol

Savy and I were cuddling in the bed this morning, she is ALWAYS trying to convince us that she is getting SO BIG! She was on top of me stretched out and said "Mama, how many foot are me?"

She STILL says me for I - we LOVEEEEE this and don't ever want her to stop. We have 2 VERY talkative kids, they have always had relatively 'advanced' language we absolutely LOVE the little things that make them seem, well...little still. Like "what T are me?" (as in 2T, 3T) and poksicles, Frat Lock, as in...Middle School - where I work :)

I am constantly blessed by these two - by a boy who LOVES to make me lunch..salads and crackers and humus. And a girl who LOVES to clean! She was singing a song about this as she cleaned a toilet last week (crazy girl! she gets this from her mom-mom, NOT from me ;)

Well I must run...there is a baby doll who needs a bath...I think I might be onto something, I'm not feeling so jealous anymore ;)