Saturday, January 30, 2010


I wish I would write stuff down during the day, after 2 kids I don't have much of a brain left :) This blog would be sooo much funnier, or at least it would have MORE stuff in it ;) Over the last 2 days my kids have said several things that Jay and I have felt were 'T-shirt' worthy. You know...when you hear it you say "hey that could be on a T-shirt" so here goes...

Savy and Jay were discussing dinner last night, I think she wanted Breakfast for dinner...Anyway on the subject of meats, which like her daddy she is RATHER opinionated..LOL she wanted SPAM. Because as she said "I'm a SPAM girl!"
Then Justice and I were on our way home yesterday (In the BLIZZARD..LOL)...of course we had to stop at our favorite store HT (AKA...Harris Teeters, the "Bread Store" - think about the logo ;) I had some prescriptions to pick up, but also wanted to take part in the 'ritualistic' frenzy HAHA So as we are in the check out line and Justice is already having a BLAST with the check-out lady...we start discussing getting a RED BOX movie. Now we are HUGE RED BOX the kid is pretty familiar with the process...and I'm trying to explain that at this point (calling for this storm ALL week) there may not be much his understanding sweet and honest heart says..."I REALLY want to get a movie...even if all they have are ROMANTIC COMEDIES!!" I thought the check-out lady (late 40's /early 50's) and bagger-guy (60's) were going to bust a gut!!
This morning Savy and I were snuggling and playing on the bed...she looked SOO cute in just her shirt and pink underwear! I told her I was gonna bite her butt, just take a little nibble of that cute little tush. She said - That's OK - it's a Strawberry Cake BUTT! :) Little Blessings all day long...


  1. Blog is getting fancy, indeed! Love the illustrations...and those two kids ARE hilarious! You do better than I do in remembering what they say...I can't remember stuff from an hour ago! haha!

    Precious, precious! Keep'll have a permanent record!
