Sunday, January 13, 2013

Are you content?

'Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.' (1 Timothy 6:6-8 NLT)

I think a huge problem in today's world is that many people don't know how to be content anymore. Everyone wants MORE. They convince themselves that they NEED more. Everything about how they live has to do with this pursuit of....more. They are never content. They can't just...BE. I think that I am a pretty content person. now don't get me wrong...I absolutely LOVE to read...I need to KNOW things, and love to learn...but my life, how I live...I am content. My life is all about serving others. I don't need any more, I don't need more things, more money (I would just give it away to help others) I have ALL I need. I have an AMAZING God who loves me despite myself. I have an amazing husband, and these riduculously amazing kids. What more could I want? I feel sorry for so many people that we know that feel the need to keep aquiring 'stuff' or keep needing MORE. More money, better cars, bigger houses...they are never content. They are never satisfied, they will NEVER have enough...and honestly what GOOD are they doing with what they have?? Do they need MORE so that they can help others? Are they aquiring more to give it away? To serve others? I don't get it...

There are some changes taking place in the Norton household. Nothing major, and ALL for the better...I guess you could say that we weren't content ;) I think the 'pre-teen' behavior struggles are beginning and we are wanting to make sure we have a handle on them. We are cutting back a little on some activities, not running ourselves so ragged. More relaxed family time together, weekly Family Meetings. And most of all...more time spent with Him. Now that IS all I need...

As always, blessed to be the Nortons4

1 comment:

  1. this is fantastic. as my life has downsized lately, i have realized that i really CAN do more with less...
    just one more piece of the puzzle remains.
    in due time, in due time...
